Send this in to register your interest.
Please refer to the timetable for what is next being offered.
Once there is enough people interested for a course at a particular
day & time you will be contacted.
Courses may be cancelled if sufficient deposits have not been received before the first class. In thay case, those that have paid a deposit will have the option of having it refunded or keeping it for the next course.
Click here for the full refund policy.
Preference will be given to those who have paid.
Payment will be required on or before the first class.
(enrolled price: Intro - $100/$80, NextSteps $40)
I have posted a cheque for $....... made out to Kashmir to:
I have deposited $....... to Kashmir at KiwiBank 38 9003 0698548 00 |
Preferred contact method:(please indicate)
regular mail
phone (only if you have messaging)
I'm interested in (tick one):
Introduction to Middle Eastern Belly Dance | |
IntroPlus | |
BellyBop | |
Next Steps - give experience:
For (tick days/times you would be interested in):
Monday 6pm | ||
Monday 7pm | ||
Tuesday 6pm | ||
Tuesday 7:30pm | ||
Wednesday 6pm | ||
Wednesday 7pm | ||
Thursday 6pm | ||
Thursday 7:30pm | ||
Saturday 11am | ||
other (please specify) | ||
other (please specify) |
Restrictions (eg not before 6:30pm, not December 1-January 31)
Next Steps only - particular interests
Where did you hear about the classes?
Previous dance experience (if any): Any questions or information relevant to course: