
Kamar qamar in Arabic

Kamar was based in Christchurch, New Zealand from 1997-2005.

Kamar (qamar) means 'full moon' which is beautiful and desirable in the Arabic culture.

Zanny, Jane, Kashmir Members of Kamar have all been studying Middle Eastern Dance for a number of years. In addition to having a grasp of dance technique, they are expected to study the culture and feed the troupe with what they learn. For example, one member is studying Arabic language; some are studying drumming; some drama. One is gifted in costuming; others in choreography. Some troupe members perform also as solo artists and all are expected to be able to improvise to music. Several also teach.

Ghawazee; Zanny, Jane, Julia Khaleegy; Zanny, Jane Zumarrad, Jane, Michelle, Zanny
Ghawazee Khaleegy December 2001
When they were performing they offered quality entertainment that your grandmother could enjoy. Kamar was not a student troupe. Their performances were not an extension of their dance classes.

Kamar was able to provide dancers in a number of performing and costuming styles and a number of standard props such as zills (finger cymbals), veil, cane, and sword.

Gigs have varied from 20 & 40 minute outdoor shows as part of Christchurch's Festival program; to a talk and display at a local Intermediate school; to participation in a theatre based show with a visiting teacher; to performing at SCA events; as well as the more usual surprise entertainment at parties and cabaret appearances.

Here's Kamar in ShimmyShake in the MEDANZ Festival.

Michelle, Kashmir, Zumarrad, Zanny, Jane

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